Can you stomach another Spare? One without a book deal or tell-all interviews.
I’m a fan of spare. A spare tire or spare change when you need it is a good thing. Who doesn’t relish a bit of spare time? A spare rib is delicious. Using something sparingly suggests prudent and thoughtful consumption. Lots to like, isn’t there.
The boots on the left belonged to a friend who was sick. On a visit, she noticed I was wearing the same boots and commented matter-of-factly that she’d probably worn hers for the last time. Maybe it was just serendipity but these Australian boots aren’t common in Charlotte. They’re not fashionable, but if they suit you, they’re keepers. Mine are at least a decade old, hers are even older. “Buy the best and you only weep once.” comes to mind.
As you can see, hers are now mine. When mine give out or just need a break, I’ve got my spare! A pair, not an heir casts spare in a more noble light. I think my friend would agree. And how lucky I am to have had such a friend.