“If only someone would have the courage to be unfashionable.” Barbara Pym, English novelist (who unfortunately is no longer around to brave being unfashionable.)
Finally! Something in the WSJ Style & Fashion section that doesn’t make me think, “Really?” The article suggests dialing your belting back- skip the logo; boring makes for versatile. Opt for timeless, not brash and trendy. Avoid rodeo or Rodeo Drive. “Low-key belts do more than hold up pants… they’re jewelry for the wardrobe.” Excellent- no need for extra baubles.
My twenty year old belt is a hand-me-down from my son. It suits my style. I’m amused that it’s currently fashionable but confident that won’t last long. (Even a broken clock is right twice a day.) At a conservative estimate of a fifty wearings a year, I’ve had plenty of opportunities to be courageous. I’ll be relieved when things are back to normal in the world of belts and I’m hopefully out of fashion.
“Fashion changes, but style endures.” Coco Chanel
And there you have it. From England and France with a minor American assist.