“ From the WSJ June/July Trend Report: “As more communication happens remotely, AirPods have become essential to keeping in touch. Transport them in style and security.”
I guess the editors of the WSJ Magazine and I differ on the “noise v. signal” question. I cast the AirPod as a noise producing device but in fairness, it can be a noise-canceller or a signaler too. Music, podcasts, or the voice of someone you want to hear are signals. AirPods might even cancel out the mega-decibel leaf blowers. Just because a little gizmo in my ear feels noisy doesn’t mean it’s not a clear and desirable signaler for someone else.
But I still take exception to the notion that they are “essential” to keeping in touch. I feel very much in touch with many people, sans AirPods, despite the Age of Corona.
Even with the welcomed but mysterious Dow Jones surge last week, $500 for the “communication ensemble” pictured above seems steep. A word of caution about the Trend Report- trends by definition are fickle. Sit tight and we’ll see what’s trendy in August. But no need to fret! Your “uniform” is always in style- your style. Remember what designer, Karl Lagerfeld had to say on this topic? “Trendy is the last stage before tacky.”
The designer case (and the other five pictured in the magazine spread) satisfy a variety of styles but the claim of security is questionable. Maybe conspicuously secure is the answer.