Place. In the Age of Corona, we have learned our place. We’d do well to remember that we humans haven’t cornered this market. Our things should have a places too. A place where they shelter. A sensible place. A place that allows for adequate distancing. A place where they’re hidden but not hiding. No matter how much has changed, you’re still in charge of your things. And now is a good time to remind them who’s boss. Be a benevolent boss ( dictator even). Give them a good home and in return they’ll be loyal and dependable and findable. It’s a good arrangement.
From the WSJ, “Almost every single household has a utensil holder for their silverware and every single person agrees that the spoons go here and the forks go there. That drawer tells the story for the rest of the kitchen and honestly the rest of the house. It’s about routine and training everyone that this is where something goes.”
The simple message to your things:” Welcome home. Shelter in this place.”