“Buy once, buy well.” HRH, The Prince of Wales
This thoughtful quote comes from an interview with Prince Charles in British Vogue about his commitment to sustainable fashion. A more accurate description of his commitment would be to sustainable living. Coming from one who could easily cast thriftiness as something for the commoners, his mantra is particularly meaningful. The man who could be king can well afford a lot of stuff. He prefers restraint.
HRH hates waste- in clothing, food, and furnishing. In matters sartorial, he is mindful of details, color and cut. He knows what he likes and what suits him. Like Coco, he knows that fashion is fleeting, but style endures. Like Lagerfeld, he knows that trendy is the last stop on the way to tacky. I like his style.
The Prince’s version of the benefits of thoughtful spending is like the Chinese proverb, “Buy the best and you only weep once.“ Although I’ve taken this Chinese attribution as gospel, I’m not sure it’s an ancient Chinese proverb after all. Per Google, interior designer Miles Redd, born in Atlanta in the Nixon Administration, claims authorship. Atlanta in the 70s or BC China- pesky alternative facts. I’m going with Charles- a snappier quote with clear attribution.
I said I was going with Charles, but really I’m going with me. “Buy well. Buy once.” Once seems predicated on well, so I’m putting well first. But no quibbling. Take your pick, then put your money where your mouth is. Cheers!