Camel, of course. This adorable mohair camel, nearly a centenarian, has been well-loved by four generations. His knees are wobbly, his skin, saggy and the wind up key is willing, but his body is not. A reasonable question- What prompted this piece on camels?
“A camel is a horse designed by a committee.”
Anyone who has ever been on a committee knows what Sir Alec Issigonis, the designer of the original 1959 Mini was talking about. Sometimes a group reaches a better decision than an individual, but often a committee is just a harbinger of ineffectiveness. Too many cooks can spoil the soup. And too many conflicting opinions can spoil the horse. Know when to compromise and when to stand your ground. So what about the squirrel?
“Make a decision. Right or wrong. The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who couldn’t decide.” Anon
You’re smarter than you think. Beware of too much reading of the tea leaves, public opinion polling, and finger-lifting to see which way the wind is blowing. “Know Thyself” said Socrates. And I add, Trust Thyself.
Remember the Rule: Less is more. With possessions and with dithering.