June 27, 2018
Today is National Sunglasses Day. It squeezed in around National Doughnut Day, National Iced Tea Day, and National Biscuit Day. The list goes on and on…
So called ‘Hallmark Holidays’ (Grandparent’s Day, Boss’s Day and Secretary’s Day) set the stage for the ‘Social Media Holidays’. Apparently people are so eager to post something on Instagram, Facebook et al, that they jump at the chance, using the fete de jour as their excuse.
I am hopelessly behind on all of this. Really, it’s blissfully behind. I only recently learned the social media acronym, FOMO-fear of missing out- gluing yourself to your device to avoid the anxiety that missing a current social event might provoke.
As not to be a total Luddite, I’ve coined an antonym (or antidote) to FOMO. POMO- pleasure of missing out. Relieved that you aren’t in everyone else’s business. Honestly, doesn’t your own business keep you busy enough to not fret over others’?
So today, I’m celebrating National Sunglasses Day by staying in the dark. Join me for some POMO. Now that’s something to celebrate!