This collection of adages is from sources too numerous to name. But many thanks to all contributors- friends, family, cocktail napkins, aprons and even an obituary. The first little maxim was found on an apron in a local shop that specializes in clever and sometimes racy merchandise. Apron Aphorisms seems an apt name. They're a lighthearted garnish to some heavier entrees. Enjoy them. Essential truths are easier to swallow with a dose of wit and humor.
A Generous Baker's Dozen
*Pretending to be normal day to day is exhausting.
*The trouble with trouble is that it starts out as fun.
*Money well spent is still money spent. Killjoy!
*The downside of knowing about current affairs is they tend not to stay current.
*When all is said and done… more is said than done.
*Most passport pictures are good likenesses, and it’s time we faced it.
*If at first you don’t succeed… do it like your mother told you.
*One of these days… OK, I mean never.
*The only difference in a rut and a grave is depth.
*You can’t have everything. Where would you put it?
*When “It goes without saying…” Don’t say it.
*Does running late count as exercise?
*When duty and pleasure collide, let duty slide.
*Who is this Moderation we're supposed to be drinking with?
*I’m only here to establish an alibi.
One final truth, with proper attribution. "I'm sorry." I say. In response, my grandmother, Dorothy Arrington (who enjoyed the company of Moderation) "No need to be so damn sorry." Good advice. Thanks Granny!