Our kitchen junk drawer just became decidedly less junky, thanks to Frazz. What was in mine was a stack of coupons for "Klutterhaus"- a store that I have not visited in years. A new coupon comes almost weekly, so there is little chance I'll be caught without one, should one ever be needed. While I was at it, I tossed a few paper calendars-purported thank you gifts from schools and charitable organizations. I got rid of the ink pens that we don't like and the stubby, eraser-less pencil. A few tired birthday candles went in the trash too as they were insufficient in number for any upcoming birthday, and even less sufficient in appearance. A couple of questionable batteries in strange sizes that look like they went to something we no longer owned were recycled.
I've learned my lesson. The "Klutterhaus" coupons won't be a problem anymore. They're going right into the recycling bin without a stop in the neat drawer. What a strange thing for me to have had trouble throwing away. What are the crazy things that give you trouble? Show your drawer who's boss so you can honestly say "I had a kitchen junk drawer."